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From 8 to 12 February 2016 in the exhibition "Expocenter" center (Moscow) hosted an international exhibition "Prodexpo-2016" food.
All five days of the exhibition took place in a very active mode. many productive talks with the prospect of further cooperation were conducted. Visitors to the stand promptly received complete information about the company, product range, prices and terms of cooperation, also had the opportunity to share their views and ask questions.
At the end of the exhibition "Prodexpo-2016" in Moscow identified the best food producers in the framework of the International contest-tasting "The best taste." The jury was composed of ordinary consumers and visitors of the exhibition "PRODEXPO" from around the world that were evaluated encrypted numbered products solely on their taste, smell and appearance. It is noted and were products of the state enterprise "Mozyr diary products":
- Diploma of the 1st degree - pasteurized milk "Mozyr" fat mass fraction of 3.6%
- Diploma 3rd degree - kefir "Mozyr" fat mass fraction of 3.6%.
International Food "Prodexpo-2016" opens up opportunities for further growth and strengthening its position in the Russian scale. And the successful results in such significant events to help the state enterprise "Mozyr diary products" actively enter new markets.